Monday, January 31, 2011

Christmas with the fam

ok, i know it's been a while, but its only been a little over a month this time.. i'm getting better :)

so, my parents and sister came down to see me for Christmas which was just awesome. it was such a blessing to get to spend time with them, especially over Christmas. only downside.. is it reminded me just how much i miss them.
i loved having them here and getting to show them around my city and let them experience a little bit of what my life is like here.  we spent the first 3 days in Riobamba, where I live, beginning with a 4 hour bus ride from Quito to Riobamba.
The bus ride was a great introduction to the culture here. All throughout the ride, people will randomly hop on the bus to sell everything from drinks to empanadas to a mint that they claim will cure memory loss, stress, and lead to better overall health. - we heard one old woman say after buying it, yes! i'm gonna get me some good memory!  My mom decided to make a scavenger hunt out of the different things that people would get on the bus to sell. 

while we were in Riobamba, I took my family to the huge market we have here on saturdays called "Plaza de Gallinas". On saturdays this market takes up about 6 square city blocks, packed so full that the aisles between each stall is barely 3 people wide, but of course, they cram about 10 times more than that in there. At this market they sell just about everything you can imagine, most of it used, but the craziest part of it, and the main reason i wanted to take my family there, is the animal section. - the indigenous people from the villages surrounding Riobamba bring in all sorts of animals to sell at this market. mainly chickens, guinea pigs, and rabbits, but there are also turkeys, ducks, dogs, cats, and geese.  some of the animals are just roaming around to the point where you actually have to step over them to get around. others are crammed in cages, while the majority of the animals are carried in large bags. the way this works, is 2 lines form in all areas of this square forming an aisle between. if you want to buy an animal, you walk down the aisle, and look in the bags, or the animals the people are holding, and decide which one you want to buy. here's a little video to show you what it's like. (ps my parents got me a flip for Christmas, so i'm gonna start putting a lot of videos up)

Christmas with the fam (continued..)

couldn't figure out how to do 2 videos in one post, so.. here's the rest of this post :)

next we went for a day trip out to Banos, a city out closer to the jungle and got to ride in an open air van out to see about 5 different waterfalls. at one point we got to ride on the roof of the van, and had to duck when we went through a tunnel.. very safe.. and also got to ride on a cable car that went out over one of the waterfalls.  that took a lot of courage from most of my family.. it was kind of sketchy looking cable car..

after a few days in Riobamba, we headed out to a "city" called Mindo out in the jungle. we stayed at a cute little hostel called the dragonfly inn, with our own balcony with a hammock that faced right out to a stream and about a billion hummingbirds.  we got to go zip lining, which if you know my mom, this was a pretty big deal that she actually summoned up the courage to do it, but she did and ended up loving it. we also got to go on a hike to a waterfall and take a tour of a chocolate factory.
from there we went to Quito where we got to go to the Equator, do some major shopping, and eat at some pretty sweet restaurants.

all in all, it was a pretty great trip

Sunday, December 19, 2010

los tiempos!

Los tiempos is what people say here to say- it's been forever since i've seen you! so.. felt like it was fitting here since it's been about 2 months, if not more, since i've posted.
sorry about that.
so. to catch you up on my life in one post.. this is gonna be hard, but here we go..

last cycle of teaching ended really well. all of my students passed, thank goodness, and i miss them terribly. sometimes they see me in the hall and tell me they want to repeat level 2 so they can be in my class again. and of course i LOVE hearing that :)
performed the play i was in 5 times in two days, and then once again the other day, with about a weeks notice, thankfully I hadn't forgotten my lines.  audra filmed the first little bit for me (my camera ran out of memory after the first scene) so here it is if you want to see it. it's pretty funny. HOWEVER this was the first performance we did, so it was a little rough.. but here you go..

after that cycle finished, i had a two week break from work. which was awesome. except for the fact that my roommate was in the states for those exact same two weeks.  BUT i still had a lot of fun. I got to go on 2 trips.

the first was with a missionary couple from Quito, who I absolutely love, a journeyman from Zamora, and a team from texas.  we went to a little town called Cahuaji Alto, WAY up in the mountains (12,000 feet). the men worked on a water filtration system and the women (3 of us) did VBS in the afternoons with the kids, and spent a lot of time with a woman who Mark and Sherry (the missionaries from Quito) have gotten really close to.  - it's really exciting actually. her and her family are getting SO close to accepting/understanding the gospel. it's so neat to hear. Marta, that's the woman's name, told us about her son Donni, who is just learning to read, but is DYING to read the Bible. he keeps asking his mom to read it to him.  and as we left on the last day, the family asked if they could pray with us, and if we would pray that they would grow in their faith. it was really cool, and i CANNOT wait to go back.

tunguraha, the volcano near us that is erupting right now. (thankfully it wasn't while we were THIS close to it)

lunch. that's a rabbit in case you couldn't tell. she killed it right in front of us

the next trip I took was to Salinas, a city on the beach.  A family from my church with a son about my age, knew I would be alone for most of the two weeks, and so they invited me to go with them on their family vacation.  which was so nice of them and it was SUCH a great experience. first of all.. no one in this family speaks english. so it was 2, 6 hour drives and 3 full days on the beach where I couldn't speak a lick of english. it was exhausting after a while but very good for me.
I also LOVED getting to know them.  I hadn't spent a ton of time with this family before, and so it was really great to get to hear their story.  I stayed in a room with Tanya, the mom, and each night we stayed up forever talking about just about everything.  She told me all about how her and her husband became christians later in life.  It was such a neat story.  I feel like Godly wisdom just came pouring out of her with everything she said.
anyways, i'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to go on this trip, and make some new friends.

she'd kill me if she knew i put this up here, but i think it's just too funny! she hates boats and evidently i took this just at the right time

ok so... after that.. i started a new cycle of teaching. all new classes, except for my kids class, they last longer.  this cycle's been going pretty well.. my 7-9 class is way better than last cycle. last time there were only 4 students and they wouldn't get excited about anything.. it was a little hard to fill 2 hours of class time.  BUT this time i have 11 adults and they're so fun! they work really hard and also love to have fun in class. i never have to worry about the games i bring, that they'll think they're too old for it or something. they love games.
my 5-7 class is a little bit more challenging this time. last time i had mostly older teenagers/ college students, and only a few younger ones. this time it's all high school age students. who are a little hard to deal with sometimes.. but i've made it work. I had to learn to be a lot more strict this semester, and i think i did pretty good..   these pictures are from the country fair, everyone had to present on a different country

i took a week off of work for thanksgiving and spent the week in Cuenca and Zamora with other missionaries.  it was really refreshing to be with other missionaries/americans for the week. we had a very american thanksgiving (ha as if there were another type of thanksgiving you could have), same food, played games, hiked in the jungle, felt a lot like being at home (minus the hiking in the jungle part)
but of course i did really miss my family, but i got to skype with them on thanksgiving day, so that was really good.

whew. this exhausting. if anyone's made it this far, i'm surprised.
anyways, since then, just been finishing up the cycle. i've been really busy, but life has been good.  i've decided i'm taking the next cycle off from work (jan-feb). i'll teach a little at the english school where audra works to make some money but this will let me be a lot more flexible. BECAUSE... i potentially have the opportunity to do some traveling. when i was in Zamora, i learned about a couple working with the Shuar people, an indigenous group of people living deep in the jungle. this couple helped out with translating the Shuar Bible, which was JUST finished.
- for those of you who don't know i'm looking at working with Wycliffe Bible Translators in the future, so to hear about this ( and look through the actual Shuar Bible) was just really exciting for me

when i asked the journeyman who was telling me about them for their e-mail, just to ask them things and hear their story, he said "you know i bet they'd let you come stay with them if you wanted". now that was blowing my mind. that sounded like the coolest opportunity to me. to actually go live with missionaries/translators out in the jungle and see what their life was like on a day to day basis and learn from them! i was so pumped. so i e-mailed them right away, but didn't mention anything about coming to stay with them, figured i couldn't ask that in the first email. but i recently sent them an email asking if i could come stay with them for a few weeks, or even a few days.  right now i'm waiting on the reply (they don't have really reliable internet down there so it takes a while) BUT because of this potential opportunity i decided to leave my schedule relatively open (if i were teaching, there'd be no way i could go and do this), didn't think this was an opportunity i should pass up, and since they leave in april for good, i don't have much time to waste.

in other news.. my visa is up in February, and i am definitely not ready to leave in 2 months. so.. i've been working on a way to extend my visa. i found out, the only way to do this is to get a student visa. SO i have to enroll in a class at the university here. looked through the language classes they offer, and decided to take Quichua. it's the main indigenous language in Ecuador. evidently it's very hard to learn, but i'm soo excited!

last bit of news.. my parents come this wednesday, and i can't wait! they'll be here, in Riobamba, for christmas, and then we'll go to Mindo, a really cool town in the jungle that i haven't been to yet, where there's zip lines, waterfalls, hiking, all that jazz, and then to Quito. so.. i'm sure that'll be the next thing i blog about. i promise next time i wont go 2 months with out posting.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

rafting in Banos

this weekend, I FINALLY got to go to Banos!  Banos is a city in the jungle about two hours away from where I live.  Audra and I have been trying to go for about 6 weeks and EVERY weekend something gets in the way - school, being sick, coup to overthrow the president (more on this later). but finally, this weekend I was able to go with some of my friends from work and their other climbing friends.  There was a rafting competition for beginners and it was SO much fun! granted, there was a lot of waiting and a lot of driving for 15 minutes of rafting, but it was definitely worth it.  I loved getting to hang out with new friends and I LOVED being out in the jungle! it is so stinkin pretty out there! unfortunately, i didn't get a ton of pictures that show just how awesome it was.  but here are a few of my rafting adventure..

this is only some of the people at the competition.  earlier, we were ALL under that little blue roof to get out of the rain while hearing the instructions.

waiting out the rain

it was a great weekend, but now.. back to work.  this will be an incredibly crazy week!
here's what i have this week:
- midterm for my kids class
-final for my other classes
-halloween final program (play and song) for my kids class
-2 dress rehearsals and 5 performances for the play i'm in
-parent/teacher conferences for my kids class
-and final grades due friday

so, if and when i make it through this week, i'll be posting again with pictures and videos of all the craziness

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

work or play?

ok i know that's a cheesy title, but couldn't think of anything better :)

well, it's been forever since i've posted, sorry about that. my life has been consumed by work and.. play practice. yes that's right, play practice.  evidently the english teachers at the school I work at put on a play (in spanish) at the end of each cycle.  this cycle the play is based off of "El Chavo del Ocho".  It's this comedy that pretty much all of latin america grew up watching and loves.  I had never seen it before, but apparently I look like one of the characters- Popis.  so lucky me, I get to be in the play.  i was so not excited at first, BUT i'm actually starting to really like it. who knew? not me.

here's a clip of the show the play is based off of. I'm the girl in the pink and green dress - Popis

El Chavo del 8 - clase de astronomia

the play is next wednesday and thursday, and don't worry, because so many people have already asked for it, audra will be filming it and i'll be putting the video on here.. it should be pretty funny even if you don't understand spanish

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

story time in spanish!

ok, this little boy is TOO precious.

while audra was helping his older brother study for an English test, he decided he'd entertain me by making up stories to go along with the pictures on my computer.

for some reason, i could NOT get the video to upload to the blog, so you have to click on this link, it's audra's vimeo account..

Saturday, September 25, 2010

why i love doing laundry here

views from our laundry room (aka the roof)



Chimborazo (there's more to it, but it was really cloudy the day i took this)